Ever find meals you throw together on a whim end up being the ones family ❤️?! On chilly rainy days that seep into the bones you just want something WARM and comforting. Body was still weak from Sunday’s workout + cold draining adrenals. 🙄NO motivation to cook and KNEW later it wouldn’t happen and I’d be asking hubs to pick up instead... 👉🏻So crockpot soup to the rescue! Started with the intentions of being Taco Soup... idk what it is, but it was yummy and Gabby is eating leftovers🤣 Soup✨ •1-1.5lb beef {or meat of choice} •A million cups of frozen veggies {see comments, used alllll those bags} •1 can great northern beans (or kidney) •2 cans tomatoes •1 can 🍅 sauce •1/2 cup taco seasoning {add more to taste if needed} •1-2 cups water depending on amount of veggies used. ✨click the little ribbon to save recipe✨ I ❤️ soups!! 👉🏻👉🏻But they DO make it more challenging to track macros. ⬇️What’s your favorite cold weather meal?⬇️
— with Vince Rogers and Meg L. Rogers.