Hi, I'm Meg Rogers, mother of (4) dragons. We've been a homeschooling family since the beginning of time, while working FT, mastering being a chaos coordinator.
There is nothing worse than going to the doctor for help, just to be told "your blood tests came back normal, it's just your age and season of life". Nothing could be farther from the truth. After being in the trenches of PPD, anxiety, weight gain, horrible eating habits, skipping meals, hormone imbalance, leaky gut, adrenal fatigue, metal/toxin poisoning. I needed a new way, one that would be simple enough to do for LIFE without feeling restricted and deprived.
Which is why my nutrition and mindset reset app was born! As an expert NASM Certified Nutrition Coach and neural pathway coach, specialized in women's hormones, I'm the virtual BFF you didn't know was missing from your life.