Say HELLO to my meal plan for week 1 of our 21 day challenge 🎉🎉 Last week this meal plan saved my butt!! Adding in more days of school, keeping up with kids, life, doctors, and work, THIS took the guesswork OUT of “what am I going to eat”. Or having to think “what have I already eaten today”. Out of 35x's of eating...I only made 4 errors, 2 I skipped completely, and the other 2 I traded for chocolate 🙊🙈 Know how long it took to edit this week?! 6 minutes! It might seem boring, but its quick, simple, and gets me the results I want. 6 months ago I struggled with eating to live. I still occasionally stumble bc I’m a true live to eat girl at <3, but I have goal to hit, with nutrition controlling roughly 80% of it I have to get that in line. We can’t out work a bad diet, trust me, I’ve tried for YEARS! What I put off for years just stumbling trying it 'my' way...I had a HUGE change in 28 days. Its awesome and annoying at the same time.